Thursday 27 February 2014

Playing old fashioned party games

This week we have used an old book that was published in 1960 to look at the party games that were played in the past.

We all agreed that these were not games that the children are familiar with today so we all got the opportunity to play the games.  As you can see the children had a fantastic time.  Thank you to Elizabeth's grandma who lent us a thimble which was a novelty item for most of us!!

Old fashioned party games on PhotoPeach

French Skipping

We had a visitor this week who taught us some skipping games.  Everyone showed fantastic listening skills and were really quick to learn the rules.  The teamwork that everyone showed was excellent.

French Skipping on PhotoPeach


Thank you so much for the loan of this amazing Alice in Wonderland book.

 It has lots of moving pictures which we will be making ourselves in the next couple of weeks.  Check out this website which has some great Wonderland games.  Some of them are a bit tricky and you may need an adult to help.

Fantasy world

Our topic this half term is Alice in Wonderland.  This links really well to our literacy topic of fantasy stories. After we read the story of Alice we have been able to role play the Mad Hatter's tea party in our new role play area and we have started to tell fantasy stories using story cubes.  We also used giant keys to "unlock" pictures of fantasy story settings which led to fantastic descriptions of the settings.  Over the half term children will be building up to write their own fantasy stories by first describing their setting, then their characters and fantasy objects and finally the events of the story.

Have a look at what we have got up to so far.

Fantasy on PhotoPeach


Sunday 23 February 2014

Safer internet day 2014

After a super launch assembly by Mrs Warner we got busy looking at the Think you know website.  This website has lots of fun games and characters that help you to understand the key messages behind keeping safe when using the internet.  The children then made safety posters to display what they had learnt about how to keep safe.  Some of the posters will be displayed in class above our laptop workstation.  Some very important messages came out and the children were all challenged to tell their grown ups what they had learnt.  You can visit the website by clicking on the link below.

thinkuknow logo

Internet safety day on PhotoPeach

Showing off our churches

Thank you to all the parents who were able to join us on Friday to see the children's fantastic churches.  The children really enjoyed the opportunity to show you all their hard work.  We are looking for a place in school to display our super work.

Churches on PhotoPeach

Fruit tasting

A member of our class gave us an interesting talk about blood oranges which she had tasted in Rainbow room.  We were all so interested in her talk that I thought that we should all taste a blood orange and other more unusual fruit.  Tasting different fruits also linked into healthy eating which is something we have been looking at in our takeaway topic. 

We tasted a blood orange , kiwi fruit, apricots, blueberries and pomegranate seeds.  Have a look at how we found the fruits.

Vote for your favourite fruit using the buttons to the right.

Fruit tasting on PhotoPeach

Sunday 9 February 2014

Handling information

We have been having great fun collecting information and organising it on a block graph.  We have also been reading information from block graphs to answer questions such as which is the most popular takeaway or the least popular.

You might like to play the game below to test out your knowledge of block graphs.

Stories from another culture

In literacy we have moved on from instruction writing and have been studying a book from another culture.  The story is "the old woman and the red pumpkin" which is a traditional story from Bangladesh.  The children have been acting out the story using props and looking at the way of life in Bangladesh to compare it to our life in Leeds.

story telling on PhotoPeach

Building churches

After our trip to Leeds parish church at the end of last term we have been building on our learning about the features of a church by making our own churches.  This week we have been putting the final touches to the inside of the churches and creating the roofs.  Hopefully we will be able to show them off to all of our parents at the end of next week.