Tuesday 28 January 2014

Writing instructions

Our literacy topic over the last three weeks has been writing instructions.  We have been busy making sandwiches, making pizza and completing treasure hunts.  After all of these hands on experiences we have been able to write instructions using our experiences.

Instructions on PhotoPeach

 Well done everyone your hard work is paying off with some super independent instruction writing in Big write.

Big talk 30.1.14

Over the last three weeks your children have been learning to write instructions.  In preparation for Big Write this week please talk to your child about

Instructions for washing their hands.

They have been learning to structure their writing with a title, a ‘what you need’ section and using bossy verbs for each instruction. 

If possible could the TV be turned off while this discussion is taking place.

Thanks for your support.

3D shape castles

Check out our 3D shape castles they look fantastic.  Miss Clarke had planned a super maths lesson to look at the properties of 3D shapes.  The children had to build a castle using the 3D shapes and then name and describe the properties of the shapes that they used.  A very creative lesson !!!

Shape Castles on PhotoPeach

Finding out about materials

Our science topic this half term is materials.  We have been completing a range of activities that help us to identify materials and their properties.  Have a look at what we have been doing.

Materials on PhotoPeach

Making fruit punch in maths

We have been measuring the volume of a liquid by reading our fruit punch instructions and making up a quantity of punch using the measuring jugs.  We found that to be accurate in our measurements we had to put the jug on a flat surface and bend down to read the scale.  There was some extremely accurate measurement as people grew in confidence to read a scale.  If only the punch was real I think it would taste delicious.

Making fruit punch on PhotoPeach

Tuesday 14 January 2014

Big talk 15.1.14

The children have made a jam sandwich in school this week by following instructions.  When we write instructions we set out the work using a title, a what you need section and numbered steps that start with a bossy verb such as put / slice / spread.

Can you ask your children to describe to you how they would make a jam sandwich.

Golden pupils 9.1.14


Well done Jake you have returned to school with a fantastic attitude to your learning.  You have been trying so hard with your writing and producing super work and your positive attitude has helped you move up a reading level.  Keep up all your hard work.
Lucy you are probably the most cheerful member of our class and you are always enthusiastic about your learning and love to make our class giggle with your observations.  You have some amazing role play skills and have been helping others to get in character in our new Pizza role play area.  Thank you for such a great attitude to your learning.

Thursday 9 January 2014

Tens and units

This week in maths we have been learning to partition a two digit number into tens and units.

Have a go at this shark game to see if you can identify the numbers that are shown using the towers of 10 and the unit cubes.


Pronto Pizza

Have a look at the fun we have been having in our new role play area. I really enjoyed being a customer I had great service and a yummy pizza.

Pronto Pizza role play on PhotoPeach

Wednesday 8 January 2014

Big Write 10.1.14

This week children will be completing Big write for the first time.  This is where the children have the opportunity to write completely independently in a calm supportive environment.  They will need to rehearse what they are going to write at home and we will rehearse together through big talk before they sit down to write on Friday morning.  The children do not write from notes.

This is an opportunity for children to show how they can write in complete sentences using the correct punctuation.  Add interest to their work by using adjectives (wow words) and join sentences together using connectives.  So for example, looking at the picture below children could write
"There is a man eating snails.  The dog is eating snails"  or they could improve these sentences to say "A grey haired  man is eating disgusting snails and feeding them to the fluffy dog."

I am looking forward to reading everyone's writing on Friday.

Sunday 5 January 2014

Happy New year

Welcome back I hope you have all had a wonderful holiday and Santa brought you lots of lovely things.  All the adults in our class would like to say a big thank you for all the lovely gifts you gave us.
Our new topic this half term is "Take it away".  We will be looking at food from around the world, creating fantastic instructions to make food which we will use and working in our pizza shop role play area to practise our addition and subtraction using money. 
I am looking forward to seeing you tomorrow and hearing all your Christmas stories.

Fantastic Learning logs

Thank you everyone for all your hard work with your learning logs over this term.  I have learnt so much reading them and take a look at the pictures to see how much everyone enjoyed reading each other's logs.

Christmas Learning Logs on PhotoPeach

Christmas fun

Have a look at what we got up to in the lead up to Christmas.

Christmas activities on PhotoPeach